CS-511 - Alternate Assignment 1 (5%)

2D function viewer

Due by: September 9, 2008

Assignment Specifications

This assignment is intended only for students who took cs411. The purpose of this assignment is to write a 2D function surface viewer. The input to your program should be a text file containing the data points of the 2D function. It is assumed that the function is sampled over regular intervals in a rectangular region. Your program should support the following rendering modes:

The function surface should be rendered by triangulating the data set while maintaining the winding of the triangles consistent. This task is fairly simple under the assumption that the function is sampled over regular intervals in a rectangular region. The wireframe plot should be obtained by drawing lines between function values when $x$ is constant, and then repeating it in the $y$ direction. Hidden lines may be removed by rendering filled polygons on top of the lines with a background color (use the commands glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); and glPolygonOffset(1.0,1.0); to prevent the deletion of the rendered lines). The following are some more specific details:

Electronic Submission Instructions

Please follow the submission procedure outlined in the regular assignment 1 specification.

Gady Agam 2008-09-02