CS-511 - Final Project (30%)

Proposal due by: October 28, 2008
Project due by: November 20, 2008

Project Description

The final project is an individual project on one of the topics from the list below. The required project deliverables are a presentation, software implementation, and a written report. All the components should be submitted together by the due date. Late days are not allowed.

To sign up for a topic, make sure that the topic is available and prepare a short (2 pages) proposal describing the problem and the method you plan to apply to solve it. You must provide one or more references to the method you describe. There is a 5% penalty for not signing up for a project or not submitting the project proposal on time. The following is a detailed description of the main components of the project:

Submission instructions

Project Topics

When selecting a topic, you must identify a paper describing the core approach you will be implementing. In addition to the list below, any topic relevant to the course is possible. If you wish to propose a different topic please send an email to $iit.edu$ with a short description of the topic you propose and a list of sources you intend to use. A topic is assigned to you until you get a confirmation. Possible topics include:

  1. Panoramic mosaics
  2. Image-based view synthesis
  3. Object morphing
  4. Image/volume registration

  5. Volume rendering
  6. Curvature estimation in mesh surfaces
  7. Terrain surfaces

  8. Surface reconstruction
  9. Surface characterization
  10. Surface registration
  11. Simplex meshes
  12. Implicit surfaces

  13. Cloth/hair/particle animation
  14. Articulated object animation
  15. Facial animation

Gady Agam 2008-10-21