IIT-Biocat program suite


The IIT-Biocat program suite is a collection of programs intended to assist with analyzing diffraction X-ray images. The collection includes:
  1.     Bio-muscle (bm)
  2.     Quadrant Folding (qf)
  3.     Circular Projection (cp)
  4.     Diffraction Centroids (dc)
The distribution is made via a docker image. Docker is a software container platform that can be executed on Linux (e.g. Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS), Windows, and MacOS, . The docker image is self contained with all its necessary dependencies and will not modify other components in your system. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. The software is distributed under GPLv3 as is without any explicit or implied warranties.


To use the IIT-Biocat program suite you need to install Docker (see instructions below) and download the distribution image from Docker Hub using:

                $ sudo docker pull biocat/biocat

In addition, download the execution script from here then make it executable using:

                 $ chmod +x biocat.sh

Installing Docker

To install Docker follow the docker website instructions and post-install instructions. E.g. for Ubuntu:

                 $ sudo apt-get update
                 $ sudo apt-get install curl
                 $ sudo curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
                 $ sudo groupadd docker               
                 $ sudo usermod -aG docker [username] # replace [username] with your user name

You may have to restart your machine.


To see program parameters use:

                 $ ./biocat.sh

To use specific programs execute one of the following:

                 $ ./biocat.sh bm
                 $ ./biocat.sh qf
                 $ ./biocat.sh cp
                 $ ./biocat.sh dc


To update the program suite use the following:

                 $ ./biocat update


Updated on August 4, 2017