CS 445-Object Oriented Design and Programming

Project - Phase 1

An E-Security Camera Store



  The document contains all the diagrams related to the security camera store project. The diagrams in this document are Class Diagram, Use Case Diagram, State Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagram representing the surveillance camera store project.

Class Diagram:

Class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships between the classes.

The following is a class diagram fro the surveillance camera store project and contains all the methods and classes.

Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of behavioral diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. The following diagram is the use case diagram of our project. There are two actors Customer and Administrator for the security store.



Entity Relationship Diagram:

An Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. The following is an entity relationship diagram related to our project. ER diagram gives the reprentation of data related to our project.



Sequence Diagrams:

A sequence diagram in Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order.

The following are the sequence diagrams related to our surveillance DVR and security camera store.

This is the sequence diagram for use case when customer registers to the site.




The following sequence diagram is for the use case when customer logins.



The following sequence diagram is for the use case when customer adds a product to the shopping cart.



The following sequence diagram is for the use case when customer deletes a product to the shopping cart.




The following sequence diagram is for the use case when customer checkout products.







The following sequence diagram is for the use case when administrator login to the website.



The following sequence diagram is for the use case when administrator adds product information into the website.






The following sequence diagram is for the use case when administrator updates product information into the website.






The following sequence diagram is for the use case when administrator deletes product information from the website.



The following sequence diagram is for the use case when administrator deletes customer information from the website.


Sample online live

Surveillance Camera Installation Case Study


State Diagrams:

A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related fields to describe the behavior of systems. The following are the state diagram for customer, administrator and shopping cart.

State Diagram for Customer:


State Diagram for Shopping Cart:



State Diagram for Administrator: