Project API

For purposes of this API description, all URLs are relative to the base url of http://localhost:8080/delectable

Also, all data is in JSON format. A GET request will return JSON. A PUT or POST will submit a JSON document.

To keep things simple, no authentication is required to access any resource.


GET /menu

Returns an array of all menu items in the menu.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/menu

Example Response

  	"id": 123,
  	"name": "Lasagna",
  	"price_per_person": 2.49,
  	"minimum_order": 6,
  	"categories": [{
  		"name": "organic"
  	}, {
  		"name": "vegetarian"
  }, {
  	"id": 124,
  	"name": "Buffalo Wings",
  	"price_per_person": 1.75,
  	"minimum_order": 12,
  	"categories": []

^Top^   ^Menu^

GET /menu/{mid}

Returns a detailed description of the menu item identified by {mid}.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK), 404 (Not Found) if {mid} not found or invalid.

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/menu/123

Example Response

  	"id": 123,
  	"name": "Lasagna",
  	"price_per_person": 2.49,
  	"minimum_order": 6,
  	"categories": [{
  		"name": "organic"
  	}, {
  		"name": "vegetarian"
  	"create_date": "20160229",
  	"last_modified_date": "20160301"

^Top^   ^Menu^


GET /order

Returns an array of all orders.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/order

Example Response

  	"id": 456,
  	"order_date": "20160229",
  	"delivery_date": "20160301",
  	"amount": 61.92,
  	"surcharge": 0,
  	"status": "open",
  	"ordered_by": ""
  }, {
  	"id": 463,
  	"order_date": "20160229",
  	"delivery_date": "20160302",
  	"amount": 63,
  	"surcharge": 0,
  	"status": "cancelled",
  	"ordered_by": ""

^Top^   ^Order^

GET /order?date=YYYYMMDD

Returns an array of all orders that need to be delivered on YYYYMMDD.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/order?date=20160301

Example Response

  	"id": 456,
  	"order_date": "20160229",
  	"delivery_date": "20160301",
  	"amount": 61.92,
  	"surcharge": 0,
  	"status": "open",
  	"ordered_by": ""

^Top^   ^Order^

PUT /order

Creates an order and returns the ID of that order {oid}.

HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /order/{oid}. The body of the response will contain the order id, and the URL needed to cancel the order.

Resource URL



delivery_date (required): date when order needs to be delivered.

delivery_address (required): address where order needs to be delivered.

personal_info (required): personal information for the person who places the order.

note (required): can be empty.

order_detail (required): a non-empty array of menu items.

Example Request

  PUT http://localhost:8080/delectable/order

Here is data being PUT

  	"delivery_date": "20160301",
  	"delivery_address": "10 West 31st ST, Chicago IL 60616",
  	"personal_info": {
  		"name": "Virgil B",
  		"email": "",
  		"phone": "312-456-7890"
  	"note": "Room SB-214",
  	"order_detail": [{
  		"id": 123,
  		"count": 8
  	}, {
  		"id": 124,
  		"count": 24

Example Response

  	"id": 456,
  	"cancel_url": "/order/cancel/456"

^Top^   ^Order^

GET /order/{oid}

Returns the detail for the order identified by {oid}.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK) or 404 (Not Found) if the order {oid} doesn't exist.

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/order/456

Example Response

  	"id": 456,
  	"amount": 61.92,
  	"surcharge": 0,
  	"status": "open",
  	"order_date": "20160229",
  	"delivery_date": "20160301",
  	"ordered_by": {
  		"name": "Virgil B",
  		"email": "",
  		"phone": "312-456-7890"
  	"delivery_address": "10 West 31st ST, Chicago IL 60616",
  	"note": "Room SB-214",
  	"order_detail": [{
  		"id": 123,
  		"name": "Lasagna",
  		"count": 8
  	}, {
  		"id": 124,
  		"name": "Buffalo Wings",
  		"count": 24

^Top^   ^Order^

POST /order/cancel/{oid}

Cancels the order identified by {oid}.

HTTP response codes: 204 (No Content), 'Location' header with link to /order/{oid}. The body of the response will be empty.

Resource URL



id (required): the ID of the order being cancelled.

Example Request

  POST http://localhost:8080/delectable/order/cancel/456

Here is data being POST-ed

  	"id": 456

^Top^   ^Order^


GET /customer

Returns an array of all customers that have placed an order in the system.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/customer

Example Response

  	"id": 701,
  	"name": "Virgil B",
  	"email": "",
  	"phone": "312-456-7890"
  }, {
  	"id": 713,
  	"name": "Bob Sample",
  	"email": "",
  	"phone": "312-456-7098"

^Top^   ^Customer^

GET /customer?key=query_string

Returns an array of all customers that have placed an order in the system and match the query_string. An empty array will be returned if no customer matches the query_string.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL



key (optional): query string (aka keyword) used for search, if none specified, then everything matches.

Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/customer?key=sample

Example Response

  	"id": 713,
  	"name": "Bob Sample",
  	"email": "",
  	"phone": "312-456-7098"

^Top^   ^Customer^

GET /customer/{cid}

Returns details about customer identified by {cid}, including an array of all orders by that customer.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK) or 404 (Not Found) if customer {cid} doesn't exist.

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/customer/701

Example Response

  	"id": 701,
  	"name": "Virgil B",
  	"email": "",
  	"phone": "312-456-7890",
  	"orders": [{
  		"id": 456,
  		"order_date": "20160229",
  		"delivery_date": "20160301",
  		"amount": 61.92,
  		"surcharge": 0,
  		"status": "open"

^Top^   ^Customer^


GET /report

Returns an array of report IDs with their corresponding names.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/report

Example Response

  	"id": 801,
  	"name": "Orders to deliver today"
  }, {
  	"id": 802,
  	"name": "Orders to deliver tomorrow"
  }, {
  	"id": 803,
  	"name": "Revenue report"
  }, {
  	"id": 804,
  	"name": "Orders delivery report"

^Top^   ^Report^

GET /report/{rid}[?start_date=YYYYMMDD&end_date=YYYYMMDD]

Returns the report identified by {rid}. If a start_date and end_date are provided, then use those to narrow the result set.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK) or 404 (Not Found) if {rid} is invalid.

Resource URL



start_date (optional): the start date for the date range of the report.

end_date (optional): the end date for the date range of the report.

Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/report/801

Example Response

  	"id": 801,
  	"name": "Orders to deliver today",
  	"orders": [{
  		"id": 456,
  		"amount": 61.92,
  		"surcharge": 0,
  		"status": "open",
  		"order_date": "20160229",
  		"delivery_date": "20160301",
  		"ordered_by": {
  			"name": "Virgil B",
  			"email": "",
  			"phone": "312-456-7890"
  		"delivery_address": "10 West 31st ST, Chicago IL 60616",
  		"note": "Room SB-214",
  		"order_detail": [{
  			"id": 123,
  			"name": "Lasagna",
  			"count": 8
  		}, {
  			"id": 124,
  			"name": "Buffalo Wings",
  			"count": 24
  	}, {
  		"id": 459,
  		"amount": 128.90,
  		"status": "open",
  		"surcharge": 0,
  		"order_date": "20160228",
  		"delivery_date": "20160301",
  		"ordered_by": {
  			"name": "John Doe",
  			"email": "",
  			"phone": "123-456-7890"
  		"delivery_address": "123 Main ST, Chicago IL 60617",
  		"note": "We need chopsticks",
  		"order_detail": [{
  			"id": 127,
  			"name": "Chicken fried rice",
  			"count": 32

Another Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/report/803?start_date=20160101&end_date=20160331

Example Response

  	"id": 803,
  	"name": "Revenue report",
  	"start_date": "20160101",
  	"end_date": "20160331",
  	"orders_placed": 47,
  	"orders_cancelled": 2,
  	"orders_open": 45,
  	"food_revenue": 513.98,
  	"surcharge_revenue": 15

^Top^   ^Report^


PUT /admin/menu

Creates a new menu item entry in the menu.

HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /menu/account/{mid} where {mid} is the newly assigned ID for the menu item.

Resource URL



name (required): the name of the menu item.

price_per_person (required): the price of this menu item per person.

minimum_order (required): minimum number of orders of this menu item.

categories (required): an array of categories the menu item belongs to, e.g. "organic", "vegan", etc.

Example Request

  POST http://localhost:8080/delectable/admin/menu

Here is data being PUT

  	"name": "Lasagna",
  	"price_per_person": 2.49,
  	"minimum_order": 6,
  	"categories": [{
  		"name": "organic"
  	}, {
  		"name": "vegetarian"

Example Response

    "id": 123

^Top^   ^Admin^

POST /admin/menu/{mid}

Modifies the price for the menu item identified by {mid}.

HTTP response codes: 204 (No Content), 400 (Bad Request) if data is missing from the request or is malformed. 'Location' header with link to /menu/{mid}. The body of the response will be empty.

Resource URL



id (required): the ID of the menu item that's being changed.

price_per_person (required): the price of this menu item per person.

Example Request

  POST http://localhost:8080/delectable/admin/menu/123

Here is data being POST-ed

  	"id": 123,
  	"price_per_person": 3.99

^Top^   ^Admin^

GET /admin/surcharge

Returns an the current value of the surcharge.

HTTP response code: 200 (OK).

Resource URL




Example Request

  GET http://localhost:8080/delectable/admin/surcharge

Example Response

  	"surcharge": 5

^Top^   ^Menu^

POST /admin/surcharge

Modifies the surcharge amount.

HTTP response codes: 204 (No Content), 400 (Bad Request) if data is missing from the request or is malformed. 'Location' header with link to /admin/surcharge. The body of the response will be empty.

Resource URL



surcharge (required): the new surcharge amount.

Example Request

  POST http://localhost:8080/delectable/admin/surcharge

Here is data being POST-ed

  	"surcharge": 5.00

^Top^   ^Admin^

POST /admin/delivery/{oid}

Modifies the status of order {oid} to "delivered".

HTTP response codes: 204 (No Content), 404 (Not Found) if {oid} not found or invalid. 'Location' header with link to /order/{oid}. The body of the response will be empty.

Resource URL



id (required): the id of the order being updated.

Example Request

  POST http://localhost:8080/delectable/admin/delivery/456

Here is data being POST-ed

  	"id": 456

^Top^   ^Admin^

Last update: Apr 6, 2016 Virgil Bistriceanu cs445 Computer Science

$Id: project-api.html,v 1.7 2016/10/12 15:24:20 virgil Exp $