Ioan Raicu

Illinois Institute of Technology

Argonne National Laboratory

CS595: Data-Intensive Computing

Reading Writeup

All the papers that you will read will involve a writeup. This writeup involves answering the following things 12 questions, unless otherwise specified:

  1. Summary of Paper and Contributions (at least 250 words)

  2. Paper Strengths (at least 3 topics)

  3. Paper Weaknesses (at least 3 topics)

  4. Recommendations on Improvements/Extensions (at least 2 topics)

  5. Relevance to course (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  6. Technically Soundness (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  7. Work Importance (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  8. Originality (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  9. Presentation (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  10. Rate Paper Overall (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  11. Confidence (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

  12. Your Expertise (Poor, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent)

The writeup should be submitted in an email to by midnight prior to the lecture that we will discuss the papers. For example, the first writeup that was handed out on 8-22-11 will be due at 11:25AM on 08-24-10 (the day of the discussion).

Next Semester Spring 2012

In the Spring 2012 semester, I will be teaching CS 553, Cloud Computing.