CS 512
Computer Vision (Fall 2018)

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cs 512 - computer vision

Cameras and computers are everywhere. Can we make computers see? Can we make computers respond to our behavior? Automated sensing by computers is a key element in ubiquitous computing. Similar to the importance of vision in humans, cameras are the most eminent sensors computers may have. By using cameras, computers can interact with people, inspect and monitor various processes, and identify people and behavior. Computer vision is a rapidly evolving field of study in computer science which is facilitated by recent years developments in computing hardware. Advanced computer hardware is now a standard component in off the shelf PCs, and digital cameras are cheap and abundant. The consequence of which is a surge in graphics and imaging applications. Computer vision aims at the analysis of the real world based on images captured by one or more cameras or similar sensory data for various purposes. Such analysis is a common practice in industrial, medical, military, and scientific applications such as product inspection and quality control, surveillance and monitoring, automated recognition of objects, robot guidance, human motion tracking, document/handwriting analysis, and augmented and virtualized reality. Topics to be covered by the cs512 course in this semester include: overview of computer vision and related areas, extraction of features from images, probabilistic modeling in images, camera calibration, epipolar geometry estimation, statistical estimation, model reconstruction from images, statistical filtering and tracking in video sequences, motion estimation in video sequences, optical flow, and object recognition. The course serves as a good starting point for graduate students interested in getting acquainted with the area of computer vision as well as for students interested in pursuing the area of visual computing in greater detail. The course assumes a basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra and some programming experience. Programming assignments in the course will use the OpenCV standard to support capturing and manipulation of images and videos. For further details please refer to the course website or contact the course instructor.


Gady Agam  
SB 237e, x7-583
Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday


Ying Chen,  Lawrence Amadi
SB-110, x7-5705
Office hours:

Mon 10-11am (Chen)
Tue 11-12pm (Chen)
Wed 3:30-4:30pm (Amadi)
Thu 3:30-4:30pm (Amadi)


CS-512-01:  (SB-104)

CS-512-02:  (Internet)

CS-512-03:  (Internet)

Class hours:
Tuesday, Thursday


Course outline

What to expect from this course

Computer vision can be covered at different levels. The focus of this course is the understanding of algorithms and techniques used in computer vision. Students in the course are expected to write computer programs implementing different techniques taught in the course. The course requires mathematical background and some programming experience. This course does not intend to teach how to use a specific application software.


  1. Introduce the fundamental problems of computer vision.
  2. Provide understanding of techniques, mathematical concepts and algorithms used in computer vision to facilitate further study in this area.
  3. Provide pointers into the literature and exercise a project based on a literature search and one or more research papers.
  4. Practice software implementation of different concepts and techniques covered in the course.
  5. Utilize programming and scientific tools for relevant software implementation.


  1. Introduction: overview of computer vision, related areas, and applications; overview of software tools; overview of course objectives.; introduction to OpenCV.
  2. Image formation and representation: imaging geometry, radiometry, digitization, cameras and projections, rigid and affine transformations.
  3. Filtering: convolution, smoothing, differencing, and scale space.
  4. Feature detection: edge detection, corner detection, line and curve detection, active contours, SIFT and HOG descriptors, shape context descriptors.
  5. Model fitting: Hough transform, line fitting, ellipse and conic sections fitting, algebraic and Euclidean distance measures.
  6. Camera calibration: camera models; intrinsic and extrinsic parameters; radial lens distortion; direct parameter calibration; camera parameters from projection matrices; orthographic, weak perspective, affine, and perspective camera models.
  7. Epipolar geometry: introduction to projective geometry; epipolar constraints; the essential and fundamental matrices; estimation of the essential/fundamental matrix.
  8. Model reconstruction: reconstruction by triangulation; Euclidean reconstruction; affine and projective reconstruction.
  9. Motion analysis: the motion field of rigid objects; motion parallax; optical flow, the image brightness constancy equation, affine flow; differential techniques; feature-based techniques; regularization and robust estimation; motion segmentation through EM.
  10. Motion tracking: statistical filtering; iterated estimation; observability and linear systems; the Kalman filter; the extended Kalman filter
  11. Object recognition and shape representation: alignment, appearance-based methods, invariants, image eigenspaces, data-based techniques.
  12. Final presentation: students present selected topics and develop software implementation of related techniques based on the review of relevant literature. The work should be summarized in a concluding report which should include simulation results. A list of possible topics will be advertised prior to the project selection due date.


up to 4 unjustified missed classes and all quizes  ⇒  full credit
presentation (5%) project (15%)
midterm exam
open notes (1 double sided 8.5x11" page)
final exam
open notes (2 double sided 8.5x11"  pages)


  1. There is an additional mandatory assignment (assignment 0) which does not carry any credit. There is a penalty of 5% for not submitting this assignment. The best 5 assignment grades will be used for the combined assignment score.
  2. A certain percentage of the students may be invited to discuss their assignments.
  3. Late days: there is a total of 6 "free late days" with no grade penalty for all the assignments to cover various reasons such as not feeling well, being busy, etc. Up to 2 free late days may be applied to each assignment. Being late beyond what is allowed by the free late days will result in a grade reduction of 25% per day. Late days are counted past midnight when an assignment is due and include weekends and holidays. The final project can not be late and no submissions will be accepted beyond the last day of class.
  4. Each member of this course bears responsibility for maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity. All breaches of academic integrity must be reported immediately. Copying of programs from any source (e.g. other students or the web) is considered to be a serious breach of academic integrity.
  5. The usual grade scale applies: A  > 90, B > 80, C > 70, etc.


  1. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, R. Szeliski, Springer, 2011.
  2. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., 2011.
  3. Introductory techniques for 3D computer vision, E. Trucco and A. Verri, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Tentative schedule

class date topic assignment

1 08/21 Introduction AS0
2 08/23

3 08/28 Geometric image formation
4 08/30

5 09/04 Filtering AS1
6 09/06

7 09/11

8 09/13 Feature detection
9 09/18

10 09/20
11 09/25 Object recognition
12 09/27

13 10/02 Midterm exam 5-6pm (SB104)

14 10/04

15 10/09 Camera calibration PROJ
16 10/11

17 10/16

18 10/18 Multiple view geometry AS3
19 10/23

20 10/25

21 10/30

22 11/01 Motion and tracking AS4
23 11/06

24 11/08

25 11/13

26 11/15 Project presentations AS5
27 11/20

28 11/22 No class (Thanksgiving)
29 11/27

30 11/29

31 12/04 Final exam 5-7pm  (SB104)


Videos of lectures

Videos of lectures are available through blackboard

    Reading materials

Topic Reading
Introduction to computer vision Ch. 1
Image formation
Ch. 2
Filtering Ch. 3
Feature detection
Ch. 4
Segmentation Ch 5
Camera calibration
Ch. 6
Epipolar geometry
Ch. 11
Model reconstruction
Ch 7
Motion analysis
Ch. 8
Ch. 14


For additional instructions/ hints check the FAQ page

Please submit assignments via blackboard

Assignment Description Data Weight Due date
assignment 0
basic review
assignment 1 Image formation
5% 9/18
assignment 2 Filtering
5% 10/2
assignment 3
Feature detection
assignment 4
Deep learning
assignment 5
Camera calibration
calibration data
5% 11/13
assignment 6
Stereo vision
stereo pairs
matched points
5% 11/27
assignment 7
Motion analysis
video sequences
5% 11/27
project presentation (5%) 
project (15%)
 N/A  20% (proposal 10/11 )
(final submission 11/13 )

Additional assignments:

Additional information:


Q1: C++ IDE

Q1.1: Instructions for downloading MS visual studio for Windows

  • Download MS Visual studio from here

Q1.2: Instructions for installing DEV-C++ for Windows

Install the latest Dev-C++  package

Q1.3: Instructions for installing IDE for Linux

Download one of the following Code::BlocksEclipseNetBeans

Q2: OpenCV

Q2.1 Installing OpenCV in windows

  1. Download OpenCV from sourceforge 
  2. Execute the file you downloaded and follow the instructions
  3. For additional help read the installation guide

Q2.2 Using OpenCV in windows

  1. Read the OpenCV notes on creating a new OpenCV project
  2. Additional instructions for VS.NET (old)

Q2.3 Specifying the location of DLL files if the compiler cannot find them in windows

    Option 1:
                    •           Add to the PATH environment variable the path to C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin
                        1.           Follow the instructions in the following figure
                        •     Option 2:
                        1.          Edit the file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the following line to it:
                        2.          set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin;
                        3.          Reboot your computer
                    •     Option 3:
                      1.          Copy all the DLL files from C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and/or C:\WINDOWS\system
                    •     Option 4:
                      1.          Copy all the DLL files from C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin into the directory where your program resides

Q2.4 Installing OpenCV in Linux

  1. Download the source code from sourceforge 
  2. Read the installation guide

Q2.5 Using OpenCV in Linux

  1. Compile the program using
          g++ prog.cpp -o prog `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`

Q3: wxWidgets

Q3.1: Instructions on how to use wxWidgets in Visual C++

Install wxpack (wxWidgets v2.8.12)
Create an empty win32 console project, change the following property of the project:
  Configuration Property - C/C++ - General - Additional Include Directories


  Configuration Property - Linkers - General - Addtional Library Directories


  Configuration Property - Linkers - Input - Additional Dependancies

    comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib winmm.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib wxbase28d.lib wxmsw28d_core.lib wxmsw28d_gl.lib wxjpegd.lib wxpngd.lib wxregexd.lib wxtiffd.lib  wxzlibd.lib wxexpatd.lib    

  Code Generation - Runtime Library

    Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)

  Linker - System


  Build Events - Post Build Events ( this starts a command line window together with your wxwidgets frame)

    editbin $(TargetPath) /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE 

 Q3.2: Instructions on how to use wxWidgets in Linux

    Compile the source or install the appropriate package.
    Compile with the following flags: `wx-config --cxxflags`
    Link with the following libraries: `wx-config --libs` -lwx_gtk2_gl-2.8

Q3.3: Specific problems with wxWidgets

  1.   Conversion between wxString and a normal string:   http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/WxString
  2.   Global Keyboard events in wxWidgets:   http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Catching_key_events_globally

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Copyright 2018 by  G. Agam  All rights reserved