Yong Chen's Picture

Yong Chen

Senior Research Associate
Department of Computer Science
Illinois Institute of Technology

Stuart Building, Room 013B
10 W. 31st Street, Chicago, IL 60616
Email: yong.chen [at] iit [dot] edu, Tel.: 312-567-3993

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Referred Journal Publications:

  1. X.-H. Sun and Y. Chen. "Reevaluating Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era," (JPDC online version) to appear in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2009.
  2. S. Byna, Y. Chen, and X.-H. Sun. "Taxonomy of data prefetching for multicore processors", Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 405-417, May 2009.
  3. Y. Chen, X.-H. Sun and M. Wu. "Algorithm-System Scalability of Heterogeneous Computing", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol. 68, No. 11, 1403 – 1412, 2008.
  4. X.-H. Sun, S. Byna and Y. Chen. "Server-based Data Push Architecture for Multi-processor Environments", Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Vol. 22, No. 5, 641 – 652, 2007.
  5. Y. Chen, G. Chen, C. Li and J. He. "Hybrid Programming Model Research on SMP Cluster Architecture". Mini-Micro Systems, Vol.25, No.10 P.1763-1767. 2004. (In Chinese)
  6. Y. Chen, C. Li, H. An, Q. Zheng and Z. Chen. "Remote Parallel Debugger Based on Dawning3000 Parallel Machine". Journal of Computer Science, Vol.31, No.3, P.179-182. 2004. (In Chinese)
  7. Y. Chen, K. He, Z. Lu and C. Yan. "Design and Implementation of A Parallel Debugger for Cluster System". Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol.30, No.9, P.50-52. 2004. (In Chinese)

Referred Conference/Workshop Publications (acceptance rate is listed when known):

  1. X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen and Y. Yin, "Data Layout Optimization for Petascale File Systems," accepted to appear in Proc. of The 4th Petascale Data Storage Workshop (in conjunction with ACM/IEEE SC'09), 2009.
  2. B. Xie, Y. Chen, X.-H. Sun and H. Jin, "Performance under Failure of Multi-tier Web Services,", to appear in Workshop on Internet-based Virtual Computing Environment (in conjunction with ICPADS'09), 2009.
  3. X.-H. Sun, C. Du, H. Zou, Y. Chen, and P. Shukla, "V-MCS: A Configuration System for Virtual Machines", in Proc. of Workshop on Web 2.0 on e-Research Infrastructure, Services and Applications (in conjunction with Cluster'09), Aug. 2009.
  4. Z. Fang, X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen and S. Byna. "Core-Aware Memory Access Scheduling Schemes ", in Proc. of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’09) (acceptance rate: 100/440=22.7%).
  5. Y. Chen, S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur, W. Gropp. "Hiding I/O Latency with Pre-execution Prefetching for Parallel Applications", in Proc. of the ACM/IEEE SuperComputing Conference (SC'08), Austin, Texas, USA, Nov. 2008. (Best Paper finalist, Best Student Paper finalist) (acceptance rate: 59/277=21.3%)
  6. S. Byna, Y. Chen, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur, W. Gropp. "Parallel I/O Prefetching Using MPI File Caching and I/O Signatures", in Proc. of the ACM/IEEE SuperComputing Conference (SC'08), Austin, Texas, USA, Nov. 2008. (acceptance rate: 59/277=21.3%)
  7. X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen and S. Byna. "Scalable Computing in Multicore Era", in Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms, Architectures and Programming (PAAP'08), 2008.
  8. Y. Chen, S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur, W. Gropp. "Exploring Parallel I/O Concurrency with Speculative Prefetching", in Proc. of the 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'08), Portland, Oregon, USA, 2008. (acceptance rate: 81/263=30.8%)
  9. S. Byna, Y. Chen and X.-H. Sun. A Taxonomy of Data Prefetching Mechanisms, in Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (ISPAN'08), 2008.
  10. Y. Chen, S. Byna, and X.-H. Sun. Data Access History Cache and Associated Data Prefetching Mechanisms, in Proc. of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC'07), Reno, Nevada, USA, Nov. 2007. (acceptance rate: 54/268=20.1%)
  11. X.-H. Sun, S. Byna, and Y. Chen. Improving Data Access Performance with Server Push Architecture, in Proc. of the NSF Next Generation Software Program Workshop (in conjunction with IPDPS '07), March 2007.
  12. Y. Chen and X.-H. Sun. STAS: A Scalability Testing and Analysis System, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing 2006(Cluster'06), Sept. 2006. (acceptance rate: 42/127=33.1%)
  13. M. Wu, X.-H. Sun, and Y. Chen. QoS Oriented Resource Reservation in Shared Environments, in Proc. of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'06), May 2006. (acceptance rate: 61/237=25.7%)
  14. X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen and M. Wu. Scalability of Heterogeneous Computing, in Proc. of 34th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'05). June 2005. (acceptance rate: 69/241=28.6%)
  15. E.-C. Jung, K. Sato, Y. Chen, X. He, T. MacTavish and D. Cracchiolo. DIF Knowledge Management System: Bridging Viewpoints for Interactive System Design, in Proc. of 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'05). Las Vegas, July 2005.
  16. Y. Chen, G. Chen, Y. Xu and J. Shan. Implementation and Evaluation of MPI+OpenMP Programming Model on Dawning3000, in Proc. of the 21st IASTED International Conference, Applied Informatics. Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. 732-737.

Short Papers/Posters:

  1. Y. Chen, S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur and W. Gropp. Server-Push Architecture for Improving I/O Access Performance. NSF Collaborative Expedition Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2008.
  2. X.-H. Sun, S. Byna, Y. Chen, W. Gropp and R. Thakur. The Server-Push I/O Architecture for High-End Computing. HEC-FSIO Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2007.
  3. S. Byna, Y. Chen, W. Gropp, X.-H. Sun and R. Thakur. The Server-Push I/O Architecture for High-End Computing. In the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC'07), Reno, NV, 2007.

Technical Reports:

  1. X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen and S. Byna, "Scalable Computing in the Multicore Era", (abstract), Illinois Institute of Technology Technical Report (No. IIT-CS-2008-9), 2008. Full paper is available upon request.
  2. Y. Chen, S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur and W. Gropp, "Automatic Construction of Pre-execution Prefetching Thread for Parallel Applications", (abstract), Illinois Institute of Technology Technical Report (No. IIT-CS-2007-22), 2007. Full paper is available upon request.
  3. Y. Chen, S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, R. Thakur and W. Gropp, "Exploring Parallel I/O Concurrency with Speculative Prefetching", (abstract), Illinois Institute of Technology Technical Report (IIT-CS-2007-21), 2007. Full paper is available upon request.
  4. S. Byna, Y. Chen and X.-H. Sun, "A Taxonomy of Data Prefetching Mechanisms", (abstract), Technical Report (No. IIT/CS-SCS07-01), Illinois Institute of Technology, 2007. Full paper is available upon request.
  5. S. Byna, X.-H. Sun, and Y. Chen, "Server-based Data Push for Multi-processor Environments", Illinois Institute of Technology Technical Report (No. IIT-CS-2006-031), 2006.
  6. M. Wu, X.-H. Sun, Y. Chen, "Resource Reservation in An M/G/1 Queuing System", Illinois Institute of Technology, Techniqual Report, 2005.


  1. Y. Chen. A Hybrid Data Prefetching Architecture for Data-Access Efficiency. Ph.D. Dissertation, Illinois Institute of Technology, July 2009.
  2. Y. Chen. Research on Parallel Programming Model and Parallel Debugging. Masters Thesis, University of Science and Technology of China, July 2003.
  3. Y. Chen. PVM Parallel Programming and Runtime System Research. B.E. Thesis, University of Science and Technology of China, July 2000.

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